Mechs with vulnerabilities to certain type of weapons will receive extra damage from that type, in opposition to the protection of shields.
As shields, there are two degrees of vulnerabilities:
- Number type weapon (Cannon, Fire, Ice, Laser, Missile) vulnerability.
- Percentage type weapon (Cannon, Fire, Ice, Laser, Missile) vulnerability.
A mech with Ice vulnerability 50% will receive an extra 50% damage from Ice weapons. (If an Ice weapon deal 100 damage, the vulnerable mech will receive 150)
A mech with a "number vulnerability" will take total extra damage from that type of weapon.
Perhaps, a mech Ice vulnerable (50) will take extra 50 damage from Ice Weapons.
Notes. This is frequent that shields got attached minor vulnerabilities as a side effect of its structure. This is smart to set carefully your shields to avoid excessive vulnerabilities that could destroy your mech during the battle.